Funded Project
- H.I.P. (Hybrid Information Processing)
funded by E.U. 2009 – FP7 FET-OPEN,Nation. Coord. S. Mancini and D. Vitali - COR.N.ER. (Correlated Noise Errors in Quantum Information Processing)
funded by E.U. 2009 – FP7 FET-OPEN,Nation. Coord. S. Mancini - MINOS (Micro- and Nano-Optomechanical Systems for ICT and QIPC)
funded by E.U. 2008 – FP7 STREPInternat. Coord. M. Aspelmeyer – Nation. Coord. D. Vitali - SQUALO (Standard QUAntum Limit with Optical devices)
funded by INFN,Nation. Coord. P. Tombesi – Local Coord. P. Tombesi - Progetto INNESCO 2006 (Two-Way Quantum Secure Communication: from Qubits to Continuous Variables)
funded by CNISM,Local Coord. S. Mancini [COMPLETED] - PRIN 2005 (Quantum computation with trapped particle arrays, neutral and charged)
funded by MIUR,Nation. Coord. E. Arimondo – Local Coord. P. Tombesi [COMPLETED] - PRIN 2005 (Generation, manipulation and detection of entangled light for quantum communications)
funded by MIUR,Nation. Coord. D. Vitali – Local Coord. D. Vitali [COMPLETED] - SCALA (Scalable Quantum Computing with Light and Atoms)
funded by E.U. 2004 – FP6 IPIntern. Coord. P. Grangier – Nation. Coord. P. Tombesi [COMPLETED] - QAP (Qubit Applications)
funded by E.U. 2004 – FP6 IPInternat. Coord. M. Plenio, I. Walmsley – Nation. Coord. P. Tombesi [COMPLETED] - QUELE (Quantum computing with trapped electrons)
funded by E.U. 2004 – FP6 STREPInternat. Coord. P. Tombesi – Nation. Coord. P. Tombesi [COMPLETED] - CONQUEST (Controlled quantum coherence and entanglement in sets of trapped particles)
funded by E.U. 2003 – FP6 Research Training NetworkInternat. Coord. V. Buzek – Nation. Coord. P. Tombesi [COMPLETED] - PRIN 2003 (High sensibility optomechanical devices exploiting entanglement)
funded by MIUR,Nation. Coord. L. Lugiato – Local Coord. P. Tombesi. [COMPLETED] - FIRB 2001 (Efficient quantum cryptograpy schemes under nonideal conditions)
funded by MIURNation. Coord. P. Tombesi – Local Coord. P. Tombesi. [COMPLETED] - MEPTRAP (Multi-Electron penning trap for scalable quantum computers)
funded by INFM (PAIS Sez.A [COMPLETED])
- QUEST (Quantum entangled states of trapped particles)
funded by E.U. (IHP program [COMPLETED])
- QUELE (Quantum computing with trapped electrons)
funded by E.U. (IST program [COMPLETED])
- Quantum coherence and interference in non-linear optics, PRIN 2002
funded by MIUR ([COMPLETED])
- Decoherence control in quantum information processing, PRIN 2001
funded by MIUR ([COMPLETED])
- Quantum communication with slow light, PRIN 2001
funded by MIUR ([COMPLETED])